Thursday, January 21, 2010


I strongly disagree with the assumptions that Huck Finn is a Racist Novel. The people that try to back up that argument are blowing it out of proportion. They are looking at such specific details such as the word "nigger," but what they really need to take in to perspective is larger ideas in the book. Yeah, maybe their is some racist dialog in the book, but remember, this is just DIALOG! Twain is only trying to create an accurate picture of life back in the day when slavery was a normal thing. If he wanted he could of lied about how people spoke back then and not incorporate the word, but would this really be helping anything? To my understanding the word in that book on supports the argument of how horrible slavery was back in the day. This is what these upset people need to realize, twain was not trying to degrade people of color; he was attempting to tell the whole truth of how horrible slavery was. “Wherein does its greatness lie? Primarily in its power of telling the truth.”(Lionel Trilling) These haters should stop being so close minded and try to actually finish the novel. If they proceeded to read the whole novel they would see that Huck is constantly going against society to help Jim. He is doing this because he knows that is wrong, and this is the message that Twain was attempting to put out when he wrote it. Twain wants every one to see how bad slavery was, and also how one small boy could overcome the "normal" and evolve to help a slave flee to freedom. As to the argument of if this book should be required to be read in public schools, of coarse it should! The school should make sure that their teachers have read the book and understand its moral before they jump to conclusions or let any of their students jump to conclusions.


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  3. You could quote the warning that Twain's writes at the beginning of the book about the dialects used. Also, use the crazy mom in the movie to enhance your argument!

  4. Neve,

    I'm not going to bother commenting on this post as you have made such unproductive and snarky comments on several of your peers' posts, which you should know really upsets me. This shows an incredible lack of maturity on your part. Moreover, it undermines what is clearly (as evidenced by the very productive exchanges on other posts) a useful resource in developing our essays on Huck.

    You may think you're being funny, but you're not.

    Keep it up, and I'll have no qualms about removing your AP designation from the second semester of this course.
