Friday, January 22, 2010

Huck Finn Essay

I loved Huckleberry Finn and I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I am still very undecided on how I am going to write this essay. I believe that this book is an American classic and that it is revolutionary for it's time, not only because it is in the vernacular, but that the language in the book was very accurate to the way they spoke, acted and believed back then. I personally believe that this book should be tought, but I am also a young white teenager. Even though I understand how bad the n word is, I will never be able to feel the hurt that people of color feel when that word is used. Throughout the documentary, "Culture Shock," many of my classmates were annoyed by the mother. She was obviously hurt by the way that her daughter was made to read this book and the manner in which the book was taught to her. This goes against my initial arguement that it should be taught in school. If it is, it must be taught in a very gentle manner and anybody that doesn't want to read this book, because it hurts them, shouldn't be forced to, or cast out.


  1. Meatloaf,

    First off, please remind me who you are so that i can give you credit for this post--which seems a lot briefer than it should be. I understand that this assignment can seem a little daunting, but I would have hoped you'd have made more progress on sorting though your own argument before now. You seem to want to recommend the book's inclusion in the curriculum (primarily for its literary innovations--the use of the vernacular, for example), but you're willing to acknowledge that it needs to be taught with some level of sensitivity, given the novel's real potential to offend. You ought to read Peaches Henry's essay (it's in the packet). Wish I could offer more suggestions, but you haven't given me much here to work with.

  2. Sorry Mr. Lavender. I am Mitch, it was more brief than expected because we talked about what I should write about because of my of my confusion on what I really wanted to write about
