Thursday, January 21, 2010

HuCkLeBeRrY FiNn

I am going to argue that HuckFinn is not a racist book but use's racist language of the time period it was written in. The books anti racist plot may have its down moments, but the strong relationship between Huck and Jim is a more powerful message than the hundred plus times twain use's the "N" word. This book teaches great lessons and should be and eye opening experience for all regardless of color. HuckFinn should be a mandatory read in all high schools is the US so everyone can learn is lessons and teachings. If a student dose not agree with this book they should be allowed to skip the ending but not just discard the book completely. In the end the book is very anti racist and should be thought everywhere


  1. I think that the ending is the most anti-racist part of the novel. That was Twain's genius, he can make you feel, you cannot truly think unless you truly feel.

  2. Andy,

    Because you've made some rather snarky comments on some of your classmates' posts, I'm not going to spend much time commenting on yours. Fact is, there's not much here for me to comment on anyway (it raises more questions than it answers--Where is evidence for the "strong relations" betwen Huck and Jim? What are the "great lessaons" it teaches us? Etc. & Etc.

    I'm pleased that you want to mount a defense of the novel, but you're going to have to do so in a much more detailed and systematic way (all the while drawing on specific scenes from the novel).
