Friday, March 12, 2010


For my persuasive essay I am going to focus on the problem with legal ages in America. When I say legal ages I am talking about the legal age at which you can purchase an alcoholic beverage or have license to drive a vehicle. To begin with I will start with the absurd law that restricts you of drinking or buying an alcoholic beverage before the age of 21. When you turn 18 in this country you receive many responsibilities that are life changing, but you are not allowed to go buy a beer. Some of these life changing responsibilities include being able to vote, to serve on juries, to get marries, and most importantly to join the military. These decisions can radically change your or some one else’s life, and you could possibly end up getting your self killed in battle. If people have these radical choices at 18, they should also have the choice of buying some alcohol. It would also be a good idea to integrate children into the idea of drinking. Teach adolescents how to drink responsibly instead of them going to college and binge drinking until they die. Also, lowering the drinking age to 18 would make alcohol less of a taboo, and adolescents would have less of an urge to get their hands on it. It is extremely scary that teens can get behind of the wheel of a car at 16. I know that I was excited as hell to grab my license at 16, but two years later when I am 18 I realized that I did not have the maturity to drive a vehicle at that age. If they raised the driving age to 18 or 21 then there would be much less accidents and much more mature drivers. What I don’t understand is how you can purchase a gun at 18 and kill some one, and you can buy a car at 16 and kill some one, but you have to wait until your 21 to go get wasted and kill some one. I just don’t get it!

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