Friday, March 5, 2010

party house

I am going to argue that the community should have a designated party house that is off the police’s jurisdiction for high school kids to go to, to blow off stem. This house would be a safe place for teens because it would be a warm, minimally supervised place to go on nights when us kids might get into trouble if there is nothing better to do. In a community like this especially, the whole community could benefit, we could use one of the many houses in Mountain Village that sits vacant for the majority of the year to turn into the ultimate party house. Also there is a large group of high school children that would take advantage of this and use the time they spend in this house to prepare for college life. Not only the locals would benefit from this, the tourists would also see a difference in town because there would not be kids trying to get strangers to buy them alcohol, this is because there would be a full time bartender at the house, the tourists would also be less afraid to come into town because there would not be drunk kids throwing snowballs at them, causing mischief as usual. This would all be paid for with the money that is spent on, prior to the party house, convicting young adults. Teens could also get community service hours by cleaning up after the nightly parties that will be held, we could raise money by selling cups at the door and once we raise enough money we could hold concerts in the house or give back to the community in some way... the possibilities are endless.


  1. yes, the possibilities to learn and grow, in many ways, should and would be available in a fine establishment such as this

  2. This is a really interesting idea. I could see this as being disastrous, at least at first, as high school students are given so much freedom that they abuse it. Perhaps in the long run, this could be beneficial to students.

  3. Wow, this is such an insightful argument I'm sure Town Council will adopt this idea by the end of the month. Super funny man, and how could it go wrong?

  4. Will,

    This is a provocative proposal (one that is not without its merits, and which has already generated some interested comment--always a good sign). You might check out Kenya's post about Grinnell college's policy regarding drug and alcohol use. Though not quite as 'out there' as your proposal, many of the principles are the same.
