Monday, March 8, 2010

Equal Pay?

According to a national poll on worker wages, women only make 88% of every dollar that a man is paid in the United States. This means that women are in fact paid 12% less than men are for the exact samw work and qualifications. For a nation that try's to portray equality in almost every aspect, this is completley unacceptable. Men along with women should be paid equally with similar education, jobs, experience, and credientials. In this day of age, it seems that it benefits no one when women are paid less. Take for instance a couple working for minimal wage. Is it not fair that the wife isn't able to make the same amount of money her husband would simply because she is a women. I feel that women are often times taken advantage of in the work place. For those who believe women should be paid less, arguments such as women's tendencies to become too emotionally involved in the work place( and are thus not able to focus on the job or set task as the men) are seemly legitimately addressed. However, scientific studies have shown that women are more easily and proficiently able to multitask than men are. When looking at the MRIs between a male and female brain, men have only four areas of brain activity, while omwen have approximately 16 lighted areas. This accounts for the comon knowledge that most women are better at multitasking than men. Women can grade papers, keep up with a televisino program, talk to a child about homework and cook a meal all at the same time. As well, more stuides show 62% of women are the main source of income for their families. This means that the husbands will only bring in 38% of the dough. Now does this make sense or seem fair that women are paid less than men especially when they are their family's income. This is not right and is certainly unethical when women have the same qualifications as men and women are making up more than half of their families income. The work mania of today usually means dealing with customers or people in general. This means you must know how to be both emotionally compliant and business savvy (something women do well). Another recent poll showed that raising women's pay bt 13% would actually raise men's wages by 1%. Therefore this in fact is a win situation in both cases. Personally I have been working at my job for 3 years. A new male employee was hired and given one dollar more than I was. I have been working there for three years and have had much more experience. The new employee on the other hand has only been working there for around four months. Is this fair?

1 comment:

  1. Amy,

    Thanks for getting this posted. It seems as if you've already done a lot of research (good), so what you really need to think about is how you want to present your findings. A straight 'data dump' would be informative (and might be convincing), but you might also think of a 'device' that would make this information even more engaging (and, therefore, potentially more convincing). This could be anything from a 'compare and contrast' of the typical days of male and female cubicle dwellers, a mother offering advice to her daughter as she makes plans to join the workforce, a satiric 'defense' of unequal pay by a (male) employer (one that would allow you to rebut each misconception, etc.). Again, I think this is a great topic--one on which you clearly have some well developed views--so now all you need to think about its how best to present your arguments.
