Friday, March 5, 2010

Persuasive Essay - What is Beauty?

I'm going to argue that our country's concept of beauty is unhealthy and scewed. Therefore either the companies need to ban the use of computer enhancement or the modeling agencies need to broaden their range of body types. Points for this argument include:
1) the images they (the advertising agencies, modeling agencies, etc.) show are unattainable at best, but put the pressure on all of us (men and women alike) that we must look like that
2)it causes unhealthy, unattainable views of what is beautiful that interfere with a healthy life, including intimate relationships with others and our own self-confidence.
3)it kills people - example: people die from plastic surgery (I will come up with a figure for that); people (espeically women and young girls) die from eatting disorders due to them attempting to look like the images we see (I'll come up with a figure for that as well).
The main point against this argument is:
1)this is how the industry makes money - modeling agencies, food industries, advertising industries, etc.
My call to action is to boycott the use of enhanced images in magazines and on billboards and that if one woman who is a size 0 is chosen for modeling, than a size 13 should be chosen as well.


  1. Good argument, but what about a counterargument focused on the health dangers of obesity, saying that seeing size 13 models will discourage healthy diet and exercise? Just a possibility.

  2. Hannah,

    I enjoyed talking with you about this, and from your post it is clear that you have settled on a good approach to this subject (though, Emma does raise a good point in her comment).

    I look forward to seeing you take this issue of 'body imaging' head on!

  3. you can also talk about the amount of advertising that goes into diet medicines and low calorie foods. this is a great idea but i agree with emma - you need to find a healthy media.
