Friday, April 2, 2010

Don't WOrry.... no Spoilers

As Shanna said, "I think he writes like I do," I kind of think the same. Except I feel like I think like he writes. It hits home in a certain way, but how my brain is so random kind of drives me crazy so the fragments make me want something that flows! I do like the suspense the type of writing creates.
One of my favorite quotes from the first 46 pages is "everyone smiles with an invisible gun to their head." I feel like it's so true. Because of the world we human beings have created for ourselves we are constantly under a subtle stress that hides beneeth our smiles. I find it true that people are more stressed than they are happy, which is sad, but when they are I feel like the true meaning of happy has shifted.
I guess I can see this strand of unhappiness and underlying worry/stress in the book. The fragments might be there to conceal the unhappiness because if you don't expand, then you don't have to explain anything, like why you are unhappy.
Take Marla and the Narrator being in the classes for example. They are finding this "happiness" in these classes where no one is really happy. Are they taking advantage of the fact that they are less unhappy then these people? Does that make them seem "happier?"

1 comment:

  1. Good questions (and I, too, like the line that you quote). Thanks for posting. I'm anxious to hear what you think of the book once you've finished.
