Even though I've seen the movie, I was still extremely into the book. In fact, it made it more of a page turner. I knew what happened and wanted each scene to come along, and was excited for each part. There are a few scenes left out in the movie that are very funny and interesting in the book, and that disappoints me. The narrator's birthmark of Australia and New Zealand on his. When we meet Tyler on the beach setting up that one moment of perfection that he works for. Having cancer for ten minutes, and the picture of his foot. The freezer full of Marla's mother. Running away to the car dealership and spending the night there. All of these add to the story and are greatly missed in the movie.
Great story, quite intriguing. Wish it was longer, but nonetheless, loved it.
The afterward could have ruined the book for me, but luckily I stopped reading it. Why would you put something like that at the end of such a great novel just to let your readers down? So upsetting!
Hmmm...I'm surprised that you found the afterword a disappointment (though, I'll admit that I haven't read it in a while). Nonetheless, I'm glad that your reading of the novel enriched your appreciation of the film. Thanks for posting!