Friday, November 13, 2009

The difficulties associated with making a film out of this book.

I'm not sure that i would encourage someone to make a movie out of this book. Mainly because I could see them just butchering the entire piece. This book is an amazing book with a sense of utter solitude, degradation, and so much more. If it is hard enough to get these feelings across in writing I would hate to imagine what an actor or actress would have to undergo to portray such emotions. I think that certain scenes would be very difficult to film as well. Take for example the rape scenes. Even though it is a huge part of the book it would be very difficult to put such in a movie and expect to keep it PG 13. But more because I don't think that the intense emotions that are created within you when you read this book would be as strong if you were to watch it instead of read it. Whats more is with what end will this movie have? How could one come to the complete understanding of the characters in this book? Surly one who has read it is more likely to have a better understanding but never the less lacks the insight in to the author, or narrator.

I truly enjoyed this book. Even though it is not the happiest books we have read it interested me to no end. I wonder what it would be like to undergo the drastic shift that the narrator had to. From being an independent woman to one who must subservient would just suck beyond belief. How can you go from believing one thing your entire life and then just allowing the biggest change of your existence happen without a second thought? I would hope that in today's society we would rebel before allowing everything that we know and love to be gone like a snap. But who knows now a days anyway. We allow many things to go unnoticed and yet we insist on complaining.

1 comment:

  1. Athena,

    Nice post! You manage to identify a number of the key scenes that the filmmakers (as we'll see soon enough) struggle with.

    I'll be interested to learn what you think both of the ending of the novel, and the efforts to translate it into a film.
