Friday, November 13, 2009

$The Republic of Gilead$

The most disturbing part of TRoG is the treatment of there women. The fertile women are there last chance for survival and there most valued resource that we have left. There is no point in protecting anything eles if there is no. one to enjoy it in the future. I feel like this prison like holding i can understand for protection but it is not the way that they should be treated since they are the last hope for children.
If the hand maids were allowed more privileges they would not be less depresses, wouldn't try and escape or commit suicide. They are put in a bad situation too start but i feel the republic make this situation 10 times worse.....

1 comment:

  1. A brief (and overly sloppy post), but one which is at least partly redeemed by that clever acronym, TROG (hadn't noted that before!)
