Friday, October 30, 2009


Is it ok for society to exclude people from communities? Well, in The Scarlet Letter Hester is looked down upon by the Boston Community for her adulterous actions. She is frowned upon because she broke the laws that society created. In reality who is to say what is right or wrong, in a perfect world people would be doing the same actions, but there would not be laws holding you back. Therefore people would not be excluded from their communities, from stupid laws. I am going to base my essay of the quote when Dimmesdale is speaking about pearl and how she can do what ever she wants, "save the freedom of a broken law." This means that she is free to do whatever she wants because she has already broken the law. I am going to connect the events in The Scarlet Letter to the community of Telluride. For example if you duck a rope in the ski area you are banished for two years. In a utopia community, people would be responsible for there own actions, and pay the consequence for their own actions. Another example would be for possession of drugs, if they get caught they get thrown in jail, when really people should make their own decisions instead of society making them up. Overall people should be smart for their own actions, and society should not be telling people what they can and cannot do.


  1. I think you are thinking to hard about this

  2. This... is the most insightful essay idea that I've ever read. Keep it up!

  3. Jerry,

    I like your idea of taking the "freedom of a broken law" that Pearl enjoys, and transposing the same concept onto life here in our valley. Make sure you spend some time at the outset, however, explaining just what that line you cite means; and then be careful not to let yourself get caught up in listing a lot of different examples. You'd be better off analyzing just one or two good ones (go for depth over breadth!).
