Friday, October 30, 2009

In my Scarlet Letter essay i will compare and contrast the similarities in Puritan life with our current society and the world we live in today. One of the main themes in the book is the power of shame and how people react under pressure. Rules and regulations are a part of life that people must learn to except and abide by, or else are punished and/or subject to outcast. People, when being accused of breaking rules, more often than not, have no choice than to except the punishment. I think it is because they have no room to think for themselves while being so entangled and involved with this society that cracks down on them for a mistake they have made or a crime they commited. The fact is, people dont want to be singled out, people feel safe as a whole, it is easier to conform than be true to what you think, and as far as i can see, that has how it has always been with human kind. People in general, are scared to think for themselves and do what they want, because there are always boundries and unacceptance. Hester Prine knows that she has commited adultery, with the entire community against her, she bravely stands up and is quite frank about what she has done. Yet she has become an adultress, yet an outcast. She cannot live her life without people treating her differently. The fact is, weather people think its right or not, they know its not accepted and is considered a sin. The rest of the people wont give any simpathy. Even ol Dimmsdale wont even man up and admit hes the father of the child, with a fear of what the rest will think. When people live by a set of rules, especially those set around a form of worship to the 'almighty one' feel that its the only way to be, and eventually forget how to feel or act how they normally would. Take an example of homosexual child that is abondoned by his family solely for his sexuality. What would these parents think if noone ever told them it was wrong or 'unholy' to be interested in the same sex?? people are affraid to think forthemselves, in fear of being denied all the necessities a society offers, but in order to get these benifits. you are forced to conform.

1 comment:

  1. Who's Cheeb? An interesting post, but I can't give you credit (and don't want to comment) if I don't know who you are.
