Friday, October 30, 2009


A dance with fear; as fear is associated with shame. I will begin my essay by addressing Hester's negligence to cover the scarlet A in order to rise above the publics diminishing eye and show pride in her newfound identity; thus banishing the factor of shame which the public desires her to express. However, does this truly free her of the fear and shame of which she wishes to be emancipated from through conducting such an action? No, fear manifests itself in Pearl, and although Hester wishes to be rid such fear, it follows her. I will then delve deeper as to why Pearl is a symbol of fear; being a constant reminder of the sin, through her obsession with the letter, never being able to escape from criticism [I will probably use the river scene to further address this] ect. Then, for the majority of my essay, I will discuss how fear is a binding and limiting asset to life. Fear is the door to our self-created prison, it is a gate-keeper that only exists in our mind. While other who are free of sin can walk in and out of the gates (reality) at will, those engrossed with fear are limited of such a freedom. 

1 comment:

  1. Amy,

    It seems as if you have a good idea of where you want to go with this essay. I'm intrigued by your notion of "fear as a binding and limiting asset to life" and look forward to your first draft!
