Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"wonder, Joy, Horror"

“After a brief pause, the physician turned away. But with what a wild look of wonder, joy, and horror! With what a ghastly rapture, as it were, too mighty to be expressed only by the eye and features, and therefore bursting forth through the whole ugliness of his figure…” I find this quote very interesting because of chillingworths reacting to the letter that has been some how imprinted on doomsdayls’ chest. To begin with, the most interesting part is the “wonder, joy, and horror..” that Chillingsworth got out of the letter on his chest. I found it Ironic that he got joy out of seeing this nasty boil on his chest. I can see how he is happy that he finally found the person he was looking for, but how could it be joyful to see such a disgusting thing. It must have been extremely hard for Chillingsworth to have all these emotions hit him at the same time. The emotions of joy and horror do not usually come hand in hand. It would have been much more reasonable for him to just feel a sensation of horror. This was one of the passages that I could become more engaged in, but the rest of the book has been extremely hard for me to admire. I find my self not critical reading at some times which will really put a dent on my understanding of the novel.

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