Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Two or three individuals hinted, that the man of skill, during his Indian captivity, ... their skill of black art."

I highlighted this section of my book because it intrigued me. It points out the fact that society is starting to wonder about Chillingworth. During the Puritan time period any form of witchcraft was much looked down upon. In the margin or my book this made me ask some questions. The questions were is Chillingworth the devil or possessed by him in any way? And does he use black art or is it just how he is, that makes people assume thats what he does. In addition to that inquiry, is black art always a bad thing? As of in Puritan society, it was not accepted at all but in those times they also trusted a man as a doctor who just said he had knowledge of medicine. Now we ignore people who participate in black magic more so and pay mush more attention to people's justifications for jobs. I guess the main reason I marked and found this interesting in the book is because of one, the differences in that society and society today and also just the fact that people thought of Chillingworth as almost a "savior" and now they are questioning their conclusions.

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