Friday, October 30, 2009


For my paper i will be writing about revenge. What it is, why people seek it, what it leads to. the main question i will be asking is "Does revenge ultimately lead to resolution or corruption?" I'll use examples like Chillingsworth and his change throughout the book for an example of the effects of revenge. In the beginning, Chillingsworth has an air of “oh, I’m finally going to boston, I’ll see my wife…” but what he sees is his wife on the scaffold with a young child of her own. After seeing this he decides he’ll do whatever it takes to find the man that tempted his wife, and won. Throughout the book Chillingsworth starts looking more deformed and takes on a darker and darker role. The revenge he seeks is corrupting him. But are there instances where revenge doesn’t corrupt the seeker? I’ll be exploring different contemporary novels to find the answer.


  1. I'm interested to see your examples with outside references. This question is also dependent upon the persons character, and the situation.

  2. Dani,

    Though somewhat brief, this post nonetheless gives a good indication of where you're going with this essay. I look forward to seeing your first draft on Tuesday!
