Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Zero Draft

For my paper I'm going to write about outcasts using Pearl as my tie to The Scarlet Letter. What makes an outcast? Is it a personal choice or is it predetermined by the environment? How do outcasts behave, around each other, around others, and by themselves? I'm going to use my own personal experience and then a summary of Pearl to create a profile of an outcast. It's kind of rough around the edges right now and will definetly need some editing, but I think I'll be able to smooth it out. Any suggestions will be welcomed.


  1. Hannah,
    I think you have a good start, but I would suggest making better time of your periods that are offered to you develop your ideas further. Just go with it and it really gets your ideas going.
    As far as your topic goes I like the idea but how can a profile of Pearl explain an outcast? She may seem like an outcast as a child but when she kisses her father a spell is broken and she is "normal." Even before that even though people watch her with amazement in the crowd she has become a part of society through being Hester's daughter, her sin. I might address the idea that she is an outcast early on, but personally I think she morphs into a part of society. I think you could use Dimmesdale or Rochester as a better example. Because even though they feel they are part of society they are not at all because of their huge secrets they are keeping.

  2. Hannah,

    Never a good sign when a peer's comments are even longer than your post! I get the sense that this is a topic near and dear to your heart, so I encourage you to run with it; but I'll save my comments for something more substantial (i.e. your initial draft).
