Friday, October 30, 2009

Hypocrisy, the ultimate conformity?

well i guess i am going to start with describing Hester's form of hypocrisy, how she conforms to how the society wants her to be but on the inside she feels completely different. then I might go on to discuss Dimmsdale and how it might be fear of shame that will have people conform and surrender to hypocrisy. after this i will apply this to more recent events, like Ted Haggardy's [DELETED]
I really think that that hypocrisy is the ultimate version of conformity and I'd like to compare these thoughts to some of what Emerson had to say and ponder over what he would have to say about all of this. And I'll probably try to fit in some stuff about how shame will make us do some pretty shallow things, for example; Dimmsdale's [DELETED] Finally I might end this amazing essay with some examples of people who are celebrated for being freethinking individuals and how our modern day vision of the world is not as blinded by religion and other people's thoughts making for a less hypocritical world.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. C'mon Will (and Emily)...let's please keep the language appropriate (I'd rather spend my time commenting on your post than editing out the bad language)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Will,

    I know that you were probably aiming for humor, but keep your audience (me) in mind, please. This was pretty offensive.

  5. sorry, Mr. Lavender, I'm learning I'm really not that funny.
