Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pearl in an Imp

Near the end of page 117, Chillingworth speaking about Pearl says "What, in Heaven's name, is she? Is the imp altogether evil? Hath she affections? Hath she any discoverable principle of being?"" None,-save the freedom of a broken law, answered Dimmesdale, in a quiet way..."

In this passage they speak about Pearl in a way that she is not even a human being and instead she is an imp of evil. An imp is a little demon, or devil, Chillingworth speaks about pearl as if she has no characteristics like a human. I enjoy this quote because it is some what comical when Dimmesdal speaks about pearl like she isn't even his daughter. When Dimmesdal says in a quit voice " save the freedom of a broken law." I interpret this in a sense that Pearl is already accused as a demon child that she is free to break other laws. Once Someone has broken one law why not keep on causing mischief. I think that this is foreshadowing something that Pearl is going to do as the book progresses. Dimmesdale speaks in a soft tone as if he is affraid that pearl could be listining inside the house. The mood of this passage is intense like the devil is going to come and haunt them after talking bad about Pearl. Overall Pearl has a weird essence about her that brings fear towards everyone else.

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