Sunday, April 18, 2010
Those Pesky Anecdotes
My favorite parts of Fight Club, however, were the small and easily ignorable anecdotes that pop up throughout the novel. The boyfriend Marla had who had terrible nightmares, so he took amphetamines to stay awake until they killed them. All the descriptions of technical possibilities of the making of napalm, of filing a cross in the tip of bullets to make them spread. These small things were the most enjoyable to me.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Nihilism vs Existentialism
The reason I started to thoroughly enjoy The Plague was it's tone and characters. I find it difficult to get involved in characters, even ones as intriguing as Tyler, with the disjunctive style and frenetic pacing. Now granted, this is a fun read with it's humor ("I want you to hit me as hard as you can") and has some really intriguing scenes (the beach scene contains one of my new favorite quotes of all time, something to the effect of "A single moment of perfection is worth the hours of work put into it") but at the pace it's going, it doesn't seem to be on the same grounds as Camus' book.
I could be wrong, maybe I'll find it to be my favorite book ever, we'll see.
yay extra credit.
Secondly I would like to talk about the writing in this book. I love it! Everything about it. I love how chopped up and sporadic it is. It reminds me a lot of how I write. I don't change subjects as quickly but I love the way he interrupts himself with reality. and another thing that I really appreciate about the writing is how he uses just one word. Like when they are in the different medical help groups and he looks at a girl in the testicular cancer group and he thinks "faker, faker" but he knows she is saying the same thing about him. Even though she may not know whether or not he has testicular cancer there is a certain spotlight effect that he displays. As if everyone is focusing on him and everything he does someone has some sort of interest in him. If he doesn't say anything he believes people take extra notice to him because things are "really bad" and so on. It is really interesting. I really like what I have read so far though.
Don't WOrry.... no Spoilers
One of my favorite quotes from the first 46 pages is "everyone smiles with an invisible gun to their head." I feel like it's so true. Because of the world we human beings have created for ourselves we are constantly under a subtle stress that hides beneeth our smiles. I find it true that people are more stressed than they are happy, which is sad, but when they are I feel like the true meaning of happy has shifted.
I guess I can see this strand of unhappiness and underlying worry/stress in the book. The fragments might be there to conceal the unhappiness because if you don't expand, then you don't have to explain anything, like why you are unhappy.
Take Marla and the Narrator being in the classes for example. They are finding this "happiness" in these classes where no one is really happy. Are they taking advantage of the fact that they are less unhappy then these people? Does that make them seem "happier?"
Fight Club
I need some soap *SPOILERS*
The one thing that has never made much sense to me was how Tyler knew as much as he did about soap, explosives, and terrorism. Was he running around experimenting and researching during the insomnia at the beginning of the book? How did he learn all that? Cause he had to teach it to the narrator. Although Chuck Palahniuk seems a little suicidal. His whole obsession with release from all the worries and problems of life via death is a little creepy.
Fight Club Thoughts
Fight Club
Fight Club
Human Buttwipe
I like this book. For some people it will allow them to think of the world in a different way than they ever had before. Others may not be able to stomach it. But like a Pollack or perhaps a Monet, some can take in the big picture, and use it to trigger their own thoughts, while others would rather nit pick and complain about how messy or gross it is. It is all up to the interpreter, you. (Palahniuk is not a Pollack or Monet)
Fight Club
Probably my favorite quote so far is "losing all hope was freedom". Everybody defines 'freedom' in their own way but I think there's one thing that makes freedom the same for everyone: hope. If you hope, it means that you're still attached to something, it means that something is missing; that makes you dependent; that brings you to spend your time waiting, thinking about whatever it is that you want and you don't have. Once you lose hope, you're free, you can fully enjoy your life without feeling like it's incomplete anymore, you can live.
I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the book. I want to know what comes next!
Before you all jump down my throat, allow me to explain my reasoning behind it.
Let's begin with the basic structure of the book. While it moved along (albeit sluggishly) at an okay pace, the writing was absolutely atrocious. His sentences were long run-ons punctuated by commas in the wrong places and incomplete sentences. While run-ons and incomplete sentences are good in moderation (in the correct places, they add flavor to one's writing), all it did in this case was start and stop the book like a funky car clunking along on the wrong kind of fuel. Maybe part of the point was to make the narrative seem like a stream of consciousness. These are as difficult to understand as a language you only know a few words in: a writer's conscious stream is completely his/her own. Unless there's context, there is no way to understand it. And no, it wasn't even saved in the end by the explanation that Tyler and the narrator were halves of the same person. Even towards the end, it seemed like the author had dropped a bomb in the middle of his words, leaving them scattered in chaos.
Speaking of chaos, what is up with the message of the book? Is there even a message? I hate feeling so judgemental, but come on: the message I got out of the whole thing was that life is pointless unless you chase death. Through chaos comes clarity. Through sin comes salvation.
Uh, can you say depressing? How counterproductive is it to self-destruct in the hopes that your life will make more sense? How is it that ruining your life - or ruining the life of others - makes it that much more precious and meaningful? The world is not meant to be seen that way. People aren't meant to see the world that way. Such negative thoughts make the journey each of us must go on pointless in nature.
I agree with Gandhi on this one: Everything you do in your life will be meaningless. But it's very important that you do it.
So there.
Fight Club **spoilers**
Fight Club!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
For the topic of my persuasive essay I am going to talk about the legalization of marijuana in the USA. We live in world were there are an estimated 310 million marijuana users. With 50 million users in the USA the math turn into about 1 in every 6 americans. The U.S. spends an annual 1.3 billion dollars a year on the prohibition of marijuana this number dose not include incarceration costs. In the United States there are an average of 800,000 people arrested for marijuana per year. Out of this 800,000 only 11% are guilty of trafficking, that leaves the other (89%) 712,000 harmless americans locked in jail for simple possession a year. That number is far greater than the amount of prisoners locked up for forcible rape, murder and robbery combined. It cost our government an average of 19,000 dollars per inmate per year for incarceration. If marijuana was legalized that would be 13 billion dollars a year not being spent incarcerating innocent americans with lives to live and families to care for. With our U.S. prisons already being overfilled the legalization of marijuana would empty space for real criminals and save important money from being wasted. With legalization the United States would not only be saving poorly spent money, it would be generating new profit. By legalizing and taxing marijuana like the U.S. has done with alcohol and cigarets the annual revenue would be in-between 11 to 14 billion dollars a year. An extra 11-14 billion dollars a year in America's pocket could do wonders for the country helping us pay off debts and boost health care. In this current recession legalization will provide more money it will also provide more jobs. With the unemployment rate hitting around 9.7 in the United States this year any job counts, legalization would proved many americans with pay. That fact that cigarets and alcohol are legal and account for more than 20% percent of deaths per year is ridiculous. marijuana accounts for 0% of deaths per year. There is no medical account that proves that just marijuana was a cause of death. Smoking marijuana is by no means healthy but has been used as medicine for thousands of years and helps many cancer patients on a day to day basis. Marijuana should be legalized and the government should be taking a look at the bigger picture.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
This one's actually from KATIE
Monday, March 8, 2010
Equal Pay?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
No PINK!!!
I worked for about an hour on making a pros and cons list: I found seven cons and only one pros which should make you believe me when I say that this essay is going to be really hard.
The first reason why I don't like pink is because everybody likes it and I don't like being part of the crowd...I like being different.
Second reason why is because pink is automatically associated with the female "gender" and I don't like when things are given for granted especially since NOT every girl likes this color.
Third reason why (and it's going to sound really stupid) is because it reminds me of Barbies which I really don't like. In fact I used to play with "little cars and trucks" when I was little.
Fourth, I feel like I know what to expect from people wearing pink (this is a huge generalization so no offense to anyone): if I see a woman with her nails painted pink I know she's obssessed with clothes, make-up, that's she spends/waists a lot of money and that she think she's the most beautiful "creature" on the planet.
I kind of like this color only in one case: when it's worn by gay men. If you see a man wearing a pink sweater, what do you think at first? ...exactly. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay but our society is not completely open-minded yet so being gay is still really hard. That's why I approve of every way and means that can help gay men to show who they really are.
I think this essay could be very interesting and I hope to be able to develop a good enough argument in order to make it interesting for as many more people as possible.
SLACKERS! Hall of Shame
If your excuse is that you wanted to take a little more time to compose as thoughtful a post as the ones below (all of which are worth reading), well, class was Friday. It's now Sunday. Therefore, your reservation in the HALL OF SHAME is officially confirmed.
If you're looking for a good debatable topic, what about the use of public shame to motivate students?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
On Campus Drinking
Friday, March 5, 2010
Persuasion via analogy
Illegally Downloading Music
Predator Drones. For better or for worse?
libertarian society
We should have a minimal amount of taxes that goes to the bare necessities such as hospitals. Private companies should be in charge of building bridges and so on. Education would be somthing that you would have to take the initiative to get. There would be no public schools, only private and mostly people would homeschool their children. This would eliminate kids in school who don't want to be in school.
Give Me My Damn Music!
The common argument is that the DRM provisions are discouraging pirating. But figures can be found (which I will dig up) that show that DRM is actually increasing the amount of pirated downloads. In the videogame medium, games with little to no DRM have consistently shown massive sales and minimal pirates while games with large amounts of DRM have sold very poorly with massive amounts of pirates. Music is no different. There are statistics supporting this comparison which I will find and use.
I'm having difficulty deciding on the more broad copyright issue or the more specific DRM one, but I will no doubt end up addressing both.
Pros (for no DRM):
- decrease in pirating
- grass roots publicity
- increase sales
- less security for artists
- no defense against would-be pirates
Screw Microsoft
My take on the matter is that cloud computing is absolute crap. I hate the idea of it. I think that it is just a way for companies to make more money, and that it will kill a lot of what makes computing so fun, as well as eliminate quite a few Tech Support jobs. I suppose there are some advantages though. So here is the general standing of things:
1) Centralized data is easier to guard from hackers, phishers, malware, spyware, etc.
2) Upgrades and installations can be done almost instantly to a central server
3) Data is more protected from crashes
4) People wouldn't need to pay for computers, and wouldn't need to worry about their upkeep
5) People could have access to a lot more computer power for cheaper
1) Computing would join water, gas, and electricity as a utility
2) All your data would be saved on a company server, which the company would have access to
3) You would have to pay a monthly fee, or a fee per unit of time, or a fee per calculation (depends on the company) to use a computer
4) You would loose the ability to configure your computer freely
5) The central servers would provide easy targets for hackers and phishers
6) Computing would loose a lot of flexibility
7) The local computer repair profession would more or less be eliminated
My stance on the matter is always one of freer localized computing.
Beware the Man
Arguementative Essay (Condoms in School)
From living up in this little town of Tellurde, and being so involved in the AIDS Benefit I have learned more than I probably need to know about being safe and condom use is one of them. High school is the time when students really start becoming involved with dating, etc. and are the most willing to try new things. Seriously, tell me about one high school student who has never even thought about having sex. Also, while kids of this age are still underage to drink, many do and that sometimes leads to decisions they may have not made otherwise. If students are able to simply get a condom from their school, they are much more likely to be prepared in a situation like this. For students of high school age, it is embarassing to go into a store and buy a condom. While many say "if you are not mature enough to buy a condom, you are not ready for sex," the thing is many don't care if they are "ready" or not or they may just find it plain embarrasing. Just because they feel unsure about buying a condom, doesn't nessecarily mean they cannot handle themselves. Sex is a choice that kids at this age are going to make with or without condoms so why not have them available?
For those people who are against my case, sit down and really think about it. What bad will it do to have protection there for those who need it. By this I am not saying EVERY teenager is or will have sex before the end of high school, but what I am saying is that it is inevitable that some will engage in sex, so why not make them prepared? Some people argue that it will promote sex but what is their backing for that? From talking to high school students from being a peer educator, I am very aware that this is not the case. Those who don't want to have sex won't, and those who get pressured into it because "they have a condom" most likely would have been pressured into it either way with their partner saying something like "I promise it will be fine." The thing is that no it may not be fine. With the ignorance of safety that some schools promote to their students in order to "shelter" them from reality does the students no good. It teaches kids to be scared of something that is completely natural and without the knowledge it will NOT lead to abstinence but it will lead to uneducated choices. If students choose to take a condom in a school setting, that is their choice. By offering condoms at school, the district is not changing how they view life and decision making in any way, all they are doing is putting the safe option out there. They are not shoving protection in anyones face, they are not requiring anyone to take a condom. All they are doing is providing another option just like how it would be to provide pencils to students. If the student wants to use what is provided, they can CHOOSE to. Nothing is required. There is no harm in a choice.
Persuasive Essay - What is Beauty?
1) the images they (the advertising agencies, modeling agencies, etc.) show are unattainable at best, but put the pressure on all of us (men and women alike) that we must look like that
2)it causes unhealthy, unattainable views of what is beautiful that interfere with a healthy life, including intimate relationships with others and our own self-confidence.
3)it kills people - example: people die from plastic surgery (I will come up with a figure for that); people (espeically women and young girls) die from eatting disorders due to them attempting to look like the images we see (I'll come up with a figure for that as well).
The main point against this argument is:
1)this is how the industry makes money - modeling agencies, food industries, advertising industries, etc.
My call to action is to boycott the use of enhanced images in magazines and on billboards and that if one woman who is a size 0 is chosen for modeling, than a size 13 should be chosen as well.
On the side that is for uniforms, is that because they are all the same, no one can get picked on for what they wear, which could ultimately raise self-esteem and student morale. It would provide students with more of a sense of unity, or school spirit.
So, that's what I have, and I'll develop it more.
party house
Chicken or the Egg
Some, however, might vehemently argue that an egg containing a fully evolved chicken must be laid by an equally evolved chicken. Genetically, this makes sense. The argument that a non-chicken cannot beget a chicken is a very reasonable one, but it has one logical fallacy. Mutations in gene replication make the offspring more than just a product of the parents. They are the root of all diversity on earth. One minute mutation is what distinguished the true chicken from all other small clucking flightless avea. That one mutation first appeared in an egg.
Others will argue that evolution does not exist at all, so the first chicken was placed on earth as a chicken, and there have always been chickens, and the whole argument of the egg is therefore ludicrous. There are more than one fallacies with this point of view, but these reasons have been so often repeated and so little heeded by those of this point of view, it does not seem worth saying them again. For those who do believe in evolution, however, there can be no question as to the true beginning of this circle.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mark Twain--you're ruining my life.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Kenya's Prospectus
I want to base my paper first around the three transformations of Huck Finn and how he stepped out from the norms of society (even though he was trying to be forced into them through Ms Watson's rules and schooling). His first transformation happens on Jackson's Island when he says "they are after us," to Jim. His second one is when he says he'll go to hell for the freedom of Jim, and the third is his final ability to humble himself to Jim after playing a rude trick on him. This not only represents the transformation of a young boy, but the idea that one day society may transform into the belief that blacks do too have rights. But does society really change? No. The end of the book proves this through Huck's submission to Tom's cruelty. It's like this glimpse of hope has been snatched up in what is really reality, what is still partially reality today. Still, society has a frame of mind biased towards colored people. Though the cruelty of slavery still may not exist, the reality of racism and outward, demeaning acknowledgment of racism does.
After using the three transformation scenes, I will use different examples of slavery from Tom's harsh cruelty towards Jim in the end. When he makes him write with blood, sleep with snakes, dress as a woman for almost pure enjoyment. I will truly hit hard that he knew all along he was free, making the cruelty even harsher. It represents societies "true knowledge" (I guess you could say atleast some people knew it was wrong) that slavery was immoral. People such as Huck. But they too get sucked back into what is society: slavery.
T.S. Eliot proves my point in saying that "the story descends to the level of Tom Sawyer."
Leo Marx: "Jim's yearning for freedom, is made the object of nonsense. The conclusion, in short, is farce, but the rest of the novel is not."
Trilling: "there is a certain falling off" (at the end) "yet it has a certain formal aptness"
Friday, January 22, 2010
Huck Finn Essay
Huck Finn and Twain
I love Mark Twain as a writer, so my argument about this book is going to biased, but that being said, I do recognize the flaws in this novel and there fore will not try to make the case that this is the single greatest american novel, there are much better works out there. My case is, however, going to be based in the fact that Twain was not a very serious person. He took is work very seriously, but very rarely did he write something that was dead serious.
Another thing that I would love to address, but I don't want to argue too many things at once, is the fact that maybe the point of the end, though a satire, is just as much about Jim becoming a father figure to Huck's moral awakening, seeing as Jim saves Tom in the end even though he makes Jim's life a living hell in the end.
Critics such as Peaches Henry, and James Cox I've found might be useful, as would be Marx. I sould love to find a critic that had a strong argument against mine which I could use to help strengthen my own point (like Sanders did to Rushdie) but I definitely find those 3 critics helpful in their points.
As for direct scenes, I am obviously going to be focusing on the ending to make the case of the satire which Twain created, and in doing so I can reference the gang of "robbers" which Tom Sawyer creates to help reiterate some of the cyclical formatting Twain used. I can extend this argument about satire past Tom by including the humorous retelling of Romeo & Juliet with the Grangerfords.
However, my argument that the book is a product of the times rather than racist I'm finding slightly difficult. I can make the argument that the word usage and some of the actions are clearly what would be expected in the time it was written, much less set in, but I really am trying to figure out scenes which might strengthen this argument. While I could use many scenes from the novel where Huck makes a moral decision, these seem to be making more of a racist/anti-racist message, while my argument is that it is neither.
Either way, I know my argument and I can write a good paper off of it, but if there are any critics or scenes that might help me, point me to them. Thanks
Huckleberry Finn
I'm not sure what passages in the book I want to use to encourage this argument. There are plenty of passages that are outrageous enough that I can use them to highlight the satirical side of this book. And, of course, the examples of racism within the novel are almost limitless - the entire novel is comprised of racial slurs. It's these slurs and other examples that I can use to show how the book is not some literary jewel and is completely overrated.
For critics, I think I'll use Shelly Fishkin from that documentary to show that the book was not written to condone racism. While, due to the use of the n word and other racial slurs, that book is wraught with racism in the writing, I don't believe the sentiment behind the novel is racist. I think I will also quote Langston Hughes, who said that (I paraphrase) "Before Mark Twain's Huck Finn, there was no unromantisized view of the South, or the view of slaves in the South." This quote highlights the realism of the novel; it's the realism that gives the novel it's value, in my opinion. I will also be quoting the documentary when it says that "great writers should be causing trouble and asking controversial questions" to note that while the book is on a very touchy subject, it can be used to teach (however, it's that controversial topic that should be taught in schools, not the litereary value of the book). I will also use a few quotes form T.S. Elliot. However, I will be relying most heavily on Leo Marx for my quotes. He agrees with me that the book is a satire and should not be taken too seriously. One of my favorite quotes from his essay is "...Clemens certainly did not intend us to read [Huck Finn] solemnly. Surely the familar to readers of Mark Twain."
I'm not so sure on the logistics of the essay, and how I want to construct it.
Kids Need Crap Too.
The idea that children can flourish knowing only what to do is naive. We must know what not to do as well. If children were only taught how great condoms are but not how bad teen pregnancy is few would use protection. This is the dangerous path English education has taken. By teaching only the "great" books we have sabotaged the wide view of literature our children need. The preposterous reviews by Trilling and Elliot are a blessing in disguise, for they have sneaked a bad book into classrooms, and have given good teachers a chance to show kids all sides of literature; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
I will use the aforementioned essays to point out how children must learn not to be bought off too easily by cheap arguments. I will use the essays of Leo Marx and Smiley to show that they have good arguments about the lack of literary merits about this book, but had they not been taught it they would have skipped that important critical step. From the book I will take specific passages as well as the progression as a whole to use as examples of how children should not write.
Almost all of the books taught in English classrooms are "great." Yet they loose their respect because if all that is taught are great books children have nothing to compare them with. By teaching Huck Finn we can reinforce the value of good books, and encourage a healthy skepticism. If good examples were all we needed the dunce cap would never have been invented. Mark Twain would look good in one.
As for whether it should be taught in schools, honestly beyond the fact that it is racist, i don't think the book is simply good enough to be taught in schools. Did I enjoy the read, of course. I feel like all you get is simply a fun tale from a different time, with the only discussion to go over is whether it is racist or not. I have enjoyed our class discussion, I just don't believe the quality of the book overshadows its massive controversy. Even if i don't agree with them, people are offended by this book and causing a major uproar about it being put on a required reading list, and honestly i dont think it is good enough to stand against the massive opposition.
Racist? Nonracist? Where is the line?
How is it that a book such as Huckleberry Finn can create such a controversy that people would move to have it banned from high school curriculum? Can a book represent both racism and anti racism at the same time? At this time period it is true that the word ‘nigger’ was the common term for a person of color. So does using this word in a realistic novel automatically make the novel racist? And can’t one argue that Huck is a person who can look past the stereotype given to African Americans during this time in age? Now is this because he no longer is bound by society, or merely the fact that he has come to the realization that Jim is a human being? It seems to me that the growth that Huckleberry goes through should be taught to children of all ages. It is a necessity to learn from our past history so that we don’t repeat it. On the other hand I can see that this book could be offensive to any that do not separate what is said and what is implied. I feel as though I have a biased when it comes to this book, as I am not African American, I cannot truly feel as they feel they read this book. On the other hand if the term did not mean anything in today’s time period I would be surprised to find as much controversy as they is circling this book. The real question that comes to mind is what restrictions can be put on realism? Is it not the point of realism to make things as realistic as possible? I can see that many people have elevated this book to the top of American literature, all the while there have been others trying to dispense of this book. In order for Huck to undergo his emotional growth there has to be an aspect of racism involved within the novel. Would it make sense to write a book that is suppose to be realistic in this time period without involving the aspect of racism.
I feel as though this book should be taught in high school merely for the racial aspect presented. It is important to understand others and our own culture. I also believe that if this book it taught that the teacher must teach it in a way that doesn't make anyone feel less like a human. It needs to be addressed in a critical view point, one that is separated from the negative aspect and more involved in what the overall message.
People I plan on quoting-
Jane Smiley- I disagree with her point of view on many aspects of the novel Huckleberry Finn and feel as though she will help further my own personal point of view.
T.S. Eliot- He made the novel to be a great work of American Literature and is very apparent in his feelings that this is a anti racist novel.
"Born to Trouble"- James Miller made an incredible point in the beginning of the movie about racism and how it comes about. I want to incorporate this into my paper to prove that racism and anti racism depends on the person.
Mark Twain- The scene when Huck humbles himself to a nigger.
Leo Marx- His point of view on the ending of the novel.
Huck Finn, Racism, Idiots, and Lobo's take on it all.
So the general outline of my paper will be as follows:
My first page or two will be used to argue my point that the book is very anti-slavery. I will use the scenes of huck tearing the letter, the third trick played on Jim (the one where Huck humbles himself to a nigger), and will compare the early characterization of Jim to the tricks that the King and Duke play as they travel down the river.
Huck Finn -Perspective of a small white child
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Many lessons to be learned from Huck Finn
Intro (1 page)
Although this book is regarded as “one of the central documents of American culture” and is one of the greatest anti-racist novels in american history, because of the era it is set in, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has become a book of great controversy (Trilling). The late 1800’s were a period of racial tension in the United States, and Huck Finn was one of the first literary critiques of how embedded racism is in our culture. The use of Mississippi dialects, picaresque short stories, and complex characters, make Huck Finn a book that experts still argue over.
Racist? No! (3 pages)
- Huck’s relationship with Jim evolves from slave, to acquaintance, to father figure:
- “for in Jim he finds his true father” - Trilling,
- “what he considers the clear dictates of moral reason are not merely the engrained customary beliefs of his time and place.” - Trilling
- Huck and Jim become a pair, with Huck referring to Jim’s freedom as “our” job and “we” must continue on and they’re after “us”
- “There ain’t a minute to lose. They’re after us!” - Huck Finn.
- “His unpremeditated identification with Jim’s flight from slavery is an unforgettable moment in American experience” - Marx.
- “After all this long was it all come to nothing, everything all busted up and ruined, because they could have the heart to serve Jim such a trick as that, and make him a slave again all his life, and amongst strangers, too, for forty dirty dollars. (200-01) - Huck Finn.
- Huck as a character transforms within, going from wanting to turn Jim in and thinking that is the right and moral thing to do, to “going to hell” to help a “nigger” escape
- “He has a great sense of sadness of human life” - Trilling
- Language used is simply from the era: the warning by Twain at the beginning of the novel
Taught in schools? Yes! (3 pages)
There are a significant amount of lessons to be learned from Huck Finn. The style, history of racism, and society’s bondage are all morals that can be taught.
- Literary style: going from the river to ashore
- Historical depiction of slavery
- Society’s structure and rules
- “his escape from society is but his way of reaching what society ideally dreams of for itself,” - Trilling,
- “He belongs neither to the Sunday School nor the Reformatory” - Eliot
- Points out what was coevally wrong with America
- “Twain couldn’t solve the problem that America couldn’t solve” - David Bradley in terms of what do with the institution of slavery, it’s wrong but how do we deal with changing it?
- The ending makes Huck return to society (Tom) and fall back into his old habits. On the river he was a changed boy, with Jim, but once back at a white supremacist farm with Tom, he falls back into society’s mold
- “the conscience of a southern boy in the middle of the last century” - Trilling
What I will write!
Huck Finn
Also, it is clear from Clemens' personal actions and view that he is not a racist, therefore it is evident that his novel isn't racist either. Twain's deftness as a satirist and his plea for human rights in other lectures and works make it clear that although the book may appear racist on the surface, just underneath it is a call for humanity. Twain is a skilled writer whose message is humanitarian. I kind of started my essay below...roughly
On our adventures with Huck and Jim, we are taken a bright journey through and to "the truly dark heart of the American Soul and of American History: slave country." This is a bright journey because of the brilliant writing that takes us there and the moral growth of a young child.
This is an adult novel written by an adult who grew up in the peak of slavery in America. Samuel Clemens, whose most famous pen name is Mark Twain, was born and raised in Hannibal, Missouri, the small riverside town that St. Petersburg is supposed to represent in the novel. At the time of Clemen's youth, Missouri was one of the 15 slave states of the South. Twain was continuously surrounded by the presence of slavery