Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Nature is all around us. Its what governs the very world we live in. It's the foundation of life. As a being is born into this world, nature is all they have. They rely on instinct and nature brings forth experience to shape them into a functioning member of the ecosystem. Take away the technology, the language, and ultimately modern society and all you have left is the natural instinct of humans. The outside world, isolated from human contact, runs solely on nature. Animals thrive on instinct and what nature provides for them, which is essentially the will to survive. The hunter hunts it's prey, plants grow to accept rain and sunlight, and the world functions in an ever moving circle. To leave behind the industrial world is to enter nature, enter a world governed by the need to survive. Nature is what gave birth to the world we live in. Nature gave us instinct, and from that we survived, and bore fruit to this world of technology, where nature is often forgotten. Without nature, we would not have evolved this complex society we live in today.


  1. Is the only task in nature to survive? Cannot we not only survive but also thrive and progress? Also what does nature bring to you personally... do you think society should abandon the industrial world to live in nature? Isn't our world today proof of prosperity within nature?

  2. I enjoy this view of nature Marcus. It's very raw and to the point. good job

  3. Yes, this is an engaging post, Marcus (thanks). but Juliette asks a good question--is Nature only, at heart, a matter of instinctual, deterministic existence? How have we 'evolved' from instinct to 'higher thought' (and has that higher thought allowed us to appreciate Nature to a greater degree, or actually served to remove us from nature?). This is a question that you can perhaps explore further in future posts.
