Friday, September 25, 2009


In my essay I am going to bring Emerson into the future and see his take on the great 21st century America. he will look at the materialistic items we treasure, the conformity on the everyday scale and the lack of finding true nature as are computer addicted, text messaging, world of war craft playing masses get paler indoors everyday . it will be fun to give his views on the irrelevant objects we cherish and views of people in modern society.


  1. dude, this post is totaly bitchin'!

  2. Yea, I think Emerson would tear some of these people apart. He would be disgusted with our society. If he thought that his times were marred by the plight of materialism and social conformity, then his mind would be blown by the blatantly heartless, materialistic,and pointless society we live in today. We need a new Emerson to take the world stage to fight the ignorance, religion, and stupidity that rule our world today.

  3. i honestly don't think there could be a new Emerson because of the level of conformity and materialism in our socity.

  4. Yeah maybe you could have emerson realize how gross society is and in the end he might just commit sucide. Just a thougt.

  5. Hey I dig your idea on bringing Emerson into the technology filled world. The man probably rolled over in the grave when the Video Game was invented. I remember when we were little we were told to go out and play four hours a day and now it's go out and play an hour a day. Your idea of taking Emerson to the level that many American children are at now fascinates me.
