Sunday, September 13, 2009

Divinity School Address

In the Divinity School Address Emerson talks of teaching religion as almost a sin, and that God is something to be learnt by one's self. Second hand knowledge a complete knowledge. Everybody gets to the same answer, but everybody needs to take a different path to get there. Obviously this address was given at the wrong school and to the wrong audience. He blatantly attacks the Christian Church and its teachings. It is very easy to tell why he was banned for thirty years. He was attempting to open the minds of the Christian Church, and to them that is blasphemy. Emerson's ideas are revolutionary and new, and the Harvard Divinity School was the wrong place for this lecture. I think rightfully he was kicked out of Harvard, but his ideas are correct and were very ahead of his time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got this in (better late than never), but I need to know who you are, Meatloaf, so that I can give you credit for this post!
