Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rough Draft on Essay

The calm wind gently cooled me as I sat and watched the grass wave back in forth. The silence soothed me and took me away from the commotion and clammor of the "real world." The liberty and peace in nature gave me a safe house from reality. The clouds drifted above me swirling and transforming with the wind. Nature in itself is the one thing that has originality. Like a child nature conforms to nothing and is simply unique compared to everything else. In this modern day world it is impossible to be original. The corrupt society pushes you to be cool by judging you. The youth intently attempts to fit in and be a part of the closed minded groups that the enterprises encourage and advertise. I am a billboard myself by wearing brand name clothing and advertising for what is cool. I do not care if you are apart of the essentially blind sea of the mindless drones in our society. The freethinkers have seemed to have faded away. If Ralph W. Emerson were to come into our time and world he would be ashamed to call himself apart of the human race. Our material world is so predictable and is falling into black hole technology. We should love and cherish nature and what opportunities it presents to us, instead of destroying it and passing it by. Why can't we all see as children? To be able to wake up in Telluride is being given a gift everyday. The luscious beautiful colors create a unique painting on the same canvas everyday. All the cliffs and mountains are transformed through the different seasons. Each turn can be a new adventure or just a chance to appreciate what we have and love nature for its simplicity. This is what I cherish about our planet, but the ignorance of man is always looking for something else more exciting. In this I have been corrupted and may contradict myself for I am a conformist. In nature I truly find myself, but all of the other material sins of man, I have committed. I may sometimes grow bored in nature, or want to add to it by listening to music, or even leave it to go watch a movie, but I realize what nature is and how it affects my life. Everybody takes nature for granted at some point, but the people that can acknowledge this and respect nature have taken a step ahead of the conformists. This knowledge is true and pure knowledge, not what school teaches you or what is essential in the "real world", but what is really significant and real.

1 comment:

  1. mitch, you had someting good going, looks like you got cut off though. If I have any ideas it would be to include something about any to the transcendentalists and what they would say about the uniqueness of nature and the conformity of society. Also, I like how you have nature as a converse to society, thats good stuff.
