Friday, September 25, 2009


“It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

“The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.”

“Who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood?”

These are some of the quotes from Emerson that will help me spark more ideas about my essay. I am planning on using a combination of ideas from Emerson to help me et my point across. One of my main ideas will be the stages of growing up and how your mind becomes more brainwashed by the world and the whole system every day. From going to school all the way to watching news, the mind only gets dumber as you grow up. I will present all of this information by a simple scenario of me going to a normal day of school. Then all of the sudden I will have some sort of problem with the authority in my school and I will go crazy. All of the sudden I realize that I have no purpose in following all the kids around in my school and I decide to live a more simple life. Then with out hesitation I pack up every thing I need to live on my own and I start driving. From there I will drive until my tank is empty and then I abandon my car and travel on skies. You must realize that it is the middle of winter and it isn’t exactly the easiest time o lie in the woods. I put the skins on my skies and start skinning up into lizard head pass. I go for a while until I come upon Emerson living in a craze fort built into the snow. From there it goes from two people of a different generation camping together, to two imaginations that are of the same generation, and it becomes more of a sleepover in Emerson’s nature dwelling


  1. wow, a night snuggled up to the campfire shootin-da-shit with Emerson sounds like quite a night. He would appreciate your flight for freedom and the ditching of your car. Maybe you could teach him to ski, i am sure that Emerson would love the feeling of the powder flying into his face, and the feeling of complete freedom as you tear down the mountain. Keep warm with your new friend.

  2. This sounds really good! It sounds like it will be funny, and insightful. Maybe your problem with authority could be the hat rule. You know, 'why should I conform to what the man tells me to?' This could lead to defiance, which could be another conformity issue. To conform to the ideas and rules of authority, especially if you don't agree with it? You could even go so far as to say that "imitation is suicide." Imitation in the form of being hatless, just like everyone else. Just food for thought, but it sounds great already.

  3. Nice ideas neve. Where are you guys going camp out, snowcave, tent, cabin? Or maybe this doesn't matter. I bet you'll figure it out. Have fun with Emerson broski.

  4. I think your last quote is the one that can frame and initiate your essay. Your main idea is about maintaining your adventurous side throughout your life and not letting "growing up" and maturity get in the way of what you truly enjoy. The second quote about children and adults, can conclude your essay. This will summarize what you really seem to addressing and leave your readers with a sense of innocence that children embrace innocently an adults shed as they are suppressed by authority. The first quote is my favorite but I don't think that your essay really focuses on it so I might steer clear of that. I like your idea of fleeing society to go live with Emerson and bring him to life.

  5. Neve this sounds like a lot of fun. I especially like how it initially doesn't appear connected but in ideas to Emerson, and then suddenly you bump into him. I think there could be some humour that you could lean on in that inital meeting before it actually gets to the cool discussion. Anyway that's my two cents

  6. sleep over with a questionable bisexual? !Stranger Danger!
    this will be an intellectual camping trip to say the least. you will be able to cover all the aspects of nature on your camping adventure but it will be hard to parallel because you are so far away from modern civilization. mabey start by picking up Emerson somewhere like a big city then take him to the woods
