Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The "Fun" Essay - Ideas and Musings

Firstly, thank you Lavender for the idea of critiquing spirituality and religion in my essay. Due to how much I enjoyed "The Divinity School Address", I think it is perfectly fitting.
My essay, much like the Green River essay, will be story based. I think I'll take myself back to the first time I went to church in Peru with my host family. Except Emerson will be coming with me too. We will sit and critique the ideas of the church while I find my way towards my spirituality.
I'm considering integrating the passage from pg. 105 - 106, starting the third paragraph down on 105 to the third paragraph down on 106.
"The true Christianity, - a faith like Christ's in the infinitude of man, - is lost." (114)
"That tradition characterizes the preaching of this country...that it is travestied and depreciated, that it is behooted and behowled." (112, third paragraph down)
"'On Sundays, it seems wicked to go to church."(113)
Any other suggestions are welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds awesome chica. I wish that I could help with a suggestion or two, but it sounds like you have enough to go on here. Maybe just pick out specific traditions or goings-ons that happened in the church in Peru, and spin it Emerson-style.
