Tuesday, September 22, 2009


For my essay, I plan on exploring Emerson's views on conformity and being true to yourself. What event I will use to explore conformity, I have no clue. I want to write about, "what I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think," "imitation in suicide," and "trust thyself." A journal entry is the structure that I've picked, but again, I'm unsure at this point what event will best tell of the ideals aforementioned, or perhaps I should just make a situation up. Hmmmmm...


  1. Emily I too am writing about conformity. But I'm thinking about it in the aspect of whether or not conformity is a bad thing. Becuse if you think about it aren't we all just bits and pieces of the people who have influenced our lives? You act like your mother in certin aspects and your father in others. And anyway don't we all say we want to be like so and so when we are older is that not conforming to what we think we shoule be like? i don't know just some food for thought.

  2. well, maybe you could write about music and how the majority of our country conforms to the mainstream music that the corporate world puts out, or you could look at jobs and how everybody works for other people when really to truely not conform one would have to work for his/her self. You could title your paper "F**k the corporate world"
