Monday, September 21, 2009

Transendentalist Essay.

For my essay I envision a story that borders on fiction. In it I intend on having not just one, but all three of the authors whom we have studied entering my house. I am going to explore their characteristics and ideas through how they interact with a modern household. I suspect the story will be more humorous and chaotic then a traditional essay, and for that I am grateful.

Some of the basic pieces include: Thoreau throwing away all that he deems unnecessary, Emerson yelling about the unjustness that only excerpts of his work lie in my backpack, and Whitman running to the creek across from me naked, greatly disturbing all my neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. Max...this sounds thoroughly entertaining...i hope to be able to read it at some point. I wish I could provide more help as to ideas, but you seem like you've got a great idea already
