Thursday, September 3, 2009


Nature is everything. The keyboard im typing on is originally from nature. My shoes were originally made from some animals fur. The air we breath came from plant life. When you walk through the streets of a city, you are looking at nature, through a very altered form. If you want to see the true form of nature, take a walk through the woods, the closer you look, the more you will see. As you quiet down, the forest will get louder, and livelier. Everyone might experience becoming one with the universe in a different way. I feel like we are getting farther and farther from nature, and becoming more occupied with the clothes we are wearing and the cars we are driving. We need to start working with nature instead of against it.

1 comment:

  1. Danny,

    There is an interesting progression in this brief (too brief?) post. You start by asserting that "everything" is nature; but then you seen to suggest, rightly I think, that we have somehow removed ourselves from nature by all those manufactured "things" (the keyboard, etc.), which though they may be a part of nature, nonetheless occlude Nature from us (hence the need to get out for a walk). I think you're on the right track, here, but I was a little confused by the way you expressed your idea (remember that these posts are meant to be informal and exploratory and, as such, may well result in this sort of apparent contradiction. Just try and be more attentive to these contradictions (signals that you've changed your mind on an issue the more you've thought about it) and address them when they arise.

    (I've removed Will's post as it represented just the sort of drug reference that is clearly inappropriate in this forum)
