Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Nature provides me with relief. Relief from the overwhelming, complex, and complicated mess, that is our world today. Where else can one find peace, quiet, and tranquility in this day and age? Not even in your own home where you are surrounded by distractions--cell phone, computer, television, radio, and all other nonsensical modes of entertainment. Nature is a place for me to purge my mind of the daily clutter and once again be able to hear my thoughts. I find that i am most comfortable in the simplicity of our natural world and i often retreat there to escape from the burden of stress, pounded on my shoulders throughout the busy hours of the day. I feel that life without nature rejects all that is meant to be. Nature is the one thing that seems to make sense, therefore shouldn't it be a part if not the most important part of our daily lives? When will society return to its roots to find the wonders and pleasures of the natural world? I find it one of the easiest tasks to abandon all "to do's" and surround myself with the purity and comfort of nature. I assume it's much easier to do here than in a suburban setting but nevertheless nature is everywhere.


  1. I agree with your post, Nature is defiantly a place to clear your mind and just sit alone in nature. Though it seems harder and harder these days to fully leave behind the technological world.

  2. Juliette,

    You do a very good job of communicating the ways in which Nature provides you with a sense of "relief" and "tranquility." But this begs the question of HOW Nature provides these sensations. Perhaps this is a question you may wish to explore further in future posts!
