Saturday, September 19, 2009


Of the three amazing writers that we have been studding for the past three weeks, Emerson's words have kind of pooped out at me and slapped me in the face. I have finally found some one who thinks in the same way that I do. Obviously the two of us don't think in the exact same way, but it just feels like Emerson hit home base with some of the amazing ideas that he put forth. Ever since I have been little, the woods have been a peaceful and divine place for me. Whenever i feel like nothing is going write in my life, the only thing that can heal me is a long hike. Some people do not understand this, they will be so confused as to why you would want to be in the woods with bugs, rain, bears and every thing else that nature can through at you. this is why i enjoyed Emerson's writing so much, he says every thing so perfectly. "few adult persons can see nature," "yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight does not reside in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both." I don't think any one else in the world could put that any better way. You cant just walk into the woods and expect to feel different. You have to believe in it, you have o become a part of that nature and observe from different perspectives. I feel like next time the whole world feels like it is coming down on me, all I will need is an essay written by Emerson and a path that leads into the woods.

1 comment:

  1. Neve,

    I like the idea of us "studing" for these authors (just what would that entail???)--but in terms of the essay we'll begin writing next week, I think that the key here is your notion that, while you admire Emerson's worldview (and find it largely consonant with your own), you "don't think in the exact same way." This point (or these points) of divergence may be the key to your essay, one in which you first establish the common ground you feel exists between you and Emerson, and then explain how (and why) your respective philosophies diverge.
