Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Nature to me is somewhere I can escape to, it doesn't play a huge role in my life but nature is somewhere I can go to forget the stresses of everday life and enjoy the beauty surrounding me. Nature is where I can sit on a calm beach and listen to the waves crashing ashore, or walk through a thick forest and breathe the soothing pine air. Nature is a hidden waterfall where I can soak up the spray, or a quiet river where I can dip my feet. Nature is somewhere I can find solace when everything else is spinning out of control around me. Nature is where I can focus on myself, where I don't have to worry about my family, or my friends, or anything else in my life. Nature is where I can go to find peace and listen to the birds singing their spring songs. Nature is where I can sit and listen to a babbling brook and loose myself in its random melody. Nature is my own piece of paradise.


  1. nice Dani. It is like a paradise in the middle of a storm isn't it?

  2. I agree with Hannah, many times it is indeed a place to escape the "storm" of this complicated world we live in. We are lucky we live in a place where entering nature is easy, unlike in a big city.

  3. Agreed. Nature is a great place to just go and leave all your troubles behind. When you walk into it you can automatically just feel the serenity. Your "own piece of paradise" is a really good way to describe it.

  4. Escape, solace, focus, paradise--what a lovely post, Dani! I hope that in future posts you can explain not only WHAT Nature provides you with (you already do that very well here), but HOW it provides these feelings and this sense of relief.
