Monday, September 21, 2009

EmerSon gets it done

My favorite of the three core transcendentalist is Ralph Waldo Emerson. To me he most represents the best aspects of the movement. He had the original idea, not the first person ever of course, to find God through being alone out in the woods or some other kind of nature. He is in himself a sort of religious revolution. He took god out of the hands of the institution and the church and put it into the hands of each individual who wishes to truly reach nirvana. I think that is beautiful. For all this time people have been sheep, just like the church has said. People have been used for their lives, money, and land only for the churches, and its leaders/employee's own gain. Emerson let god come back directly to people, and if more in the world could think like him, we would be living in a much better place.

1 comment:

  1. Max,

    I like this idea of a "religious revolution." It's something that I hope you consider pursuing further in your upcoming essay.

    For now, thanks for getting this posted!
