Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Divinity School Address

This was an interestingly blatant speech to be given to a class of Harvard Divinity School Graduates. Emerson delivers numerous strong points that he must have known were going to be taken offensively to his audience, in that I believe that he was not only speaking to the students though this dialogue, but to the general public as well. Emerson's logic is astounding. In this speech I don't believe that Emerson was meaning to be so offensive to his audience, yet his ideologies are so strong that the students were dumbfounded thus enabling them to search for deeper meanings. As Neve stated in his post, Emerson was delivering a good speech, however, it was given during the wrong time, and to the wrong group of people. If Emerson had postponed his delivery of such a speech to a time when he was more widely known and appreciated, then his audience would most likely have been familiar with the ways in which he delivers his points of logic, and would possibly have been equipped with more open-mindedness. Props to Emerson for stepping up to the plate when it was imminent that he was to be shot down. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Amy!

    Lots to admire here--not the least of which is your clear grasp of what seems to have been both Emerson's intent and his central point. As I pointed out in class, I think you are right to suggest that he is addressing a larger audience (so, perhaps this forum isn't as 'wrong" for his message as one might think--if you're trying to foment change, then why not speak directly to those who will likely be most hostile to the change?). I also like the way that you reference Neve's comments (I'm glad to see you are reading your classmates' posts!).

    Again, good job on this.
