Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Essay Ideas

I think I will structure my essay similarly to Abby's, based around an experience of mine in nature, leading to musings on nature, and the nature of people, and the nature of nature itself, all using the ideas of all three transcendentalists to frame my own thoughts. Where this will take me I'm not quite sure , but I think it will have something to do with conformity and reflections on the beauty of the world around us. Disconnected though these may sound I think that they can be combined. Every leaf of grass, or snowflake, is different from every other such object in existence, or ever to have existed. But this doesn't make such things oddities-rather, two identical blades of grass would be most incredible. Which leads to the idea that the only way to stand out is to blend in. I don't know exactly where I'll go with this, but I'm sure it will evolve as it is written.


  1. Wow well you have a lot of ideas going here. I like them but right now its incredibly confusing. I think in your first idea of all the different natures i think you need to stick to ONE of the ideas. The idea of actual nature seems to be developing so try to go with that. I like the idea of the blade of grass and maybe combining our self nature within nature but no more than that, or it will be too confusing.

  2. Wow that is ridiculous. Both Convoluted and full of circular logic. Not that i mean to cause offense, rather what i am saying is that while this topic has a lot of potential, you need to clean your ideas up. I think that the idea of "the only way to stand out is to blend in" is very bizzare. While everyone is truly different, there is an average zone in which conformity is based. And if identical blades of grass are incredible, how do you view Aspen clones? or ant colonies (of which the largest genetic variability possible is 75%), or even further what about identical twins? I'm really just providing a counter point for you to think about. I really want to see how this ends up looking like if you go with the conformity is caused by nonconformity.
