Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trany Essay

No not that kind of trany...

I think that I am going to explore in my essay an interaction with Whitman of some sorts. To me Whitman has the most original and individual relationship and views of the world. His affinity with nature correlates with mine, and I think that he would be a very interesting person to talk to. I imagine that he would hardly ever say anything that was direct or simple or sensible. Probably something that is totally unrelated, but most importantly genuine. Even in the 19th century he was the child, he was the innocent one. Now I will introduce him to the 21st, he will be like a newborn, yet able to articulate and flow brilliant poetry. I might have him skiing with me, kayaking, admiring the beauty of our town. Or maybe a bright sunny day or maybe a day with light fluffy powder. I will use his innocence to comment on society and my lifestyle. Whitman can judge me and our society without the constraints of pre-existing knowledge.

I'm not sure yet, so any suggestions on friday morning will be welcome.


  1. Yeah Vic I think thats a good idea because Telluride seems like the perfect place for Whitman. I may be wrong because he loved New York, but if you can introduce him to our paradise of a town I think you will find it really easy to have him lose himself in our nature, and maybe you could have him not like the society because we conform to tourists and make this the rich ski town that this is. He could see this in a corrupt way of using nature. I dont know though, those are my thoughts, good luck

  2. As Whitman comes from a completely different society and also from a different time, I think that his opinion on our current society will be very interesting.
    You're right when you say he will be the newborn because many things have changed and he doesn't expect it.
