Monday, September 7, 2009

Emerson (BAMF)

I love this. the way he was so upfront and in-your-face about his opinion makes me respect him even more. I think that this says a lot about Emerson, some people might say that it shows that he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, however, i believe that Emerson showed not only a great deal of guts but also passion for what he believes in and what he thought, from years of experience, what these kids needed to hear at the time. He speaks a lot about "the sentiment of virtue", or in other words the feeling in us that tells us what is right and what is wrong. He sees that this is in all of us and it is also a universal principle among all religions, this might have made the people become a little uneasy. Then he goes on to say, "Every step so downward, is a step upward," to me is saying that one can learn from one's mistakes. however i feel that this also made these uptight pencil-neck geeks a little nervous as well. I believe that religion can cause people to become very close-minded and this is a perfect example of this, Emerson did not deserve to be bard from Harvard, i think he deserved the opposite, he should have got a standing ovation for such an inspirational speech.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Will! Though brief, this manages to convey a clear understanding of Emerson's message (that God--or whatever you wish to call it--is within each of us), along with an appreciation of the gutsiness that informs his delivery. Nice job!
